16 Quizzes for Literature
Booker Prize Winners of the 21st Century

Can you name the authors who have won the Booker Prize in the 21st century?

Novels Set During World War II - 10 Answers, 10 Decoys

Can you find all 10 novels set in World War II without hitting a decoy?

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Superheroes and Their Alter Egos

Can you match the superhero to their alter ego?

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Poets Laureate of Britain

Can you name all the poets laureate of Britain?

Author's Initials

Do you know what the initials in these authors names stand for?

Popular Poets and Poems

Match the popular poem to the poet who wrote it.

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Roald Dahl Childrens' Books

Can you name all the childrens books written by Roald Dahl?

Jane Austen Novels by Leading Character

Can you name the Jane Austen novel by the leading character?

The Harry Potter Book Series

Can you name all 7 novels in the Harry Potter series?

Characters of Romeo and Juliet

Can you name the characters in Romeo and Juliet from their description?
